Kamiyama Beer – Garden

Polyvalent furniture

Located in Tokushima Japan, Kamiyama beer has a new “Beer Garden” in front of the brewery, the Creative Mountain studio was last year commissioned to design a polyvalent playful furniture that could house multiple events & functions. 

It has become an inviting space for all ages, made by a local craftsman, Xavier, with earthbag technique and a lime-concrete plaster finish.    

The polyvalent design approach is based on the intimate relationship between people and form, acknowledging people’s ability to read use into form and for form to express use. This affordance provides a multitude of possibilities to read the same form — giving the visitors agency to play, climb, hide or simply enjoy a great craft beer while cooling down their feet in the near stream.

The space in front of the brewery conveys a pleasant sense of belonging, where children can endlessly play, adults can have group conversations or just a moment to themselves. During the local festivals the hill is used as a stage or a bench to see performances. 

The Earthbag furnitures are made from tube bags filled with local soil. Covered with lime-cement plaster. Craftsman Xavier together with master brewer Manus during the building process.


Earthbag-technique:  local soil + rice bags
Lime-concrete plaster finish

Pictures by the talented Masataka Namazu

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